Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Evil and corruption...

I started writing this about a year ago after Samantha made a comment to me about her wanting to die so she could see Nyosha. Just wondering if the person responsible had a clue as to how many lives he changed forever. I have added to it after seeing first hand how the justice system works or in this case fails.

Do you even know how many lives you have hurt by your senseless act? With your mentality and evilness, I don’t think you have a clue or even care. Only evil would take the life of another human being without any reason. Your meaningless action on April 29, 2012 changed and altered many lives.

Let me first start with a little 4 year old girl. This little girl loved Nyosha. She is always talking about Nyosha and how much she misses her. I have seen her write Nyosha messages and put them in envelopes and ask me to send them to Nyosha. At 4 you may not think the messages are anything of substance, but to that 4 year old it is her way of talking to her Nyosha. The message consists of Nyosha’s name and then a picture of a heart and finished with the 4 year old's name. Simple and to the point Sam loves Nyosha! This 4 year old has asked if there are phones in heaven so she can call Nyosha. This 4 year old has even said to me that she wants to die so she can see her Nyosha again. Every time she sees a picture of Nyosha she kisses her and tells me how much she misses Nyosha. She wants to know why someone hurt Nyosha. The only answer I have for her is that someone is evil and didn't care about Nyosha.

 Now let me talk about a nine year old with cerebral palsy. Nyosha spent many hours with this little girl. They were really good buddies. Nyosha would sit and play with her for hours. She loved singing and dancing with Nyosha. Nyosha would sit and help feed her, her favorite Ramen noodles. But most of all she loved just sitting right beside Nyosha and both of them would watch a movie or their favorite cartoons. While the communication is not there for this child with cerebral palsy, you can still see how when she sees a picture of Nyosha that that love is still there and wanting to know why Nyosha isn't around.

Both of these little girls are Nyosha’s cousins. There are many other cousins and many of them looked up to Nyosha because she was the oldest grandchild of Carrie and the late Larry Williams. On June 9, 2011 Carrie lost her youngest son, Larry Jr. AKA Bobcat. He drowned in a country lake. Here this mother is still in the process of grieving for her son, then she gets the news that her oldest granddaughter has been senselessly murdered. Now this grandmother has to go through burying her oldest granddaughter who was only 19 years old, only 10 months after burying her youngest son.

The list doesn't stop there with the lives that you forever changed. That list also includes four brothers and 2 sisters. Robbie, Nyeasha, Kerry, Dartaneous, Adam Jr. and La Brea will never get to see their big sister again. They won’t be able to pick up the phone and give her a call or send or receive a text message from her. Their only form of communication now is through their dreams and memories of her. Or they can post a message to her on her Facebook page, but will never ever be able to get a response back from Nyosha in any form, no comment, no like, no way for them to ever hear from her again. What kind of evil would take away their sister and for what reason?

Next there is a father and a mother that will no longer be able to see, hear or touch their beautiful daughter. They can no longer see their daughter grow into the beautiful and strong woman that they had hoped and dreamed of. They will never be able to see their daughter pursuing her dreams and working each and every day to achieve those dreams. Her dream of one day having that modeling career came to an abrupt end. Her father and mother will never get to see their daughter again. Nyosha was taken from them far too early. Nyosha will never have her dream job, or be able to get married, and she won’t be able to have any children or raise a family. Why, because one day evil appeared and decided to senselessly end any and all chances for Nyosha to live her life.

All of the people mentioned above think about Nyosha each and every day but there is one more person that your senseless act has changed and every day is a struggle for her to get through. This is Nyosha’s Aunt Candice. Candice is the one that helped Nyosha the most; she was more like a Mom to her. Candice was someone that Nyosha could always turn to. The day before your evil deed, Nyosha had asked Candice to get her a rental car, which Candice didn't have the money to do so. Now Candice feels guilty because if she had gotten her a car, maybe Nyosha wouldn't have ended up in the same car as evil. It was Candice who was feeling heavy all day on April 29th. When she picked up her Ipad to look at the news, she just put it back down because she wasn't in the mood to read any bad news. But somehow she picked it up and there was the headline, “East St. Louis Police need help identifying body of a woman”. She read the girl had “Love is Pain” tattooed on her chest and now she knew why she was feeling heavy. It was Nyosha and she had been murdered. She tried calling Nyosha’s phone, she tried texting the phone and there was no response. Call to the police department and even though they didn't confirm it on the phone Candice knew. There isn't a day that goes by that Candice doesn't struggle with Nyosha’s murder. She knows ultimately it was evil that murdered Nyosha, but her guilt will always be there. What if she would have gotten her the rental car? Would Nyosha still be here? Did she let Nyosha down? Candice is and always will be a very kindhearted soul. Her heart breaks knowing that she will never be able to give Nyosha one of her bear hugs, nor will she be able to talk to her again and she will not be able to watch her grow into the amazing woman that she was destined to be.

On April 29th Nyosha La Che’ White encountered evil and evil took away any and all chances for her to have a long, healthy and prosperous life. At the very young age of 19, Nyosha’s life ended and we are left with the question of Why? To make matters even worse the sentence brought down for this act of evil, was involuntary manslaughter 8 consecutive years. This by no means is JUSTICE.

On May 4, 2012 evil was charged with First Degree Murder a class M felony. Then on July 12, 2012 evil was charged with Harassment of a Witness a class 2 felony. From inside the jail cell evil was threatening the only other witness/accomplice to the murder of Nyosha. From May 4, 2012 until September 27, 2013 the case went from First Degree to Involuntary Manslaughter, why? What changed? The facts are evil took out a gun held it to the back of Nyosha’s head and pulled the trigger. Then they took everything off of Nyosha, her money, her phone, her ID, her purse and they dumped her lifeless body in the street. They proceeded to burn Nyosha’s belongings and clean the car. Evil even had the witness/accomplice burn her clothing as well. Then they proceeded along like nothing ever happened. Until guilt set in for the witness/accomplice and she notified the police. What part of any of that is involuntary? Evil voluntarily took the gun out and voluntarily pulled the trigger, he knew what he was doing and didn't have a care one about it. The witness/accomplice allegedly told the police the complete story. Evil would not admit to anything. Then sometime during the so called justice system procedures we were told evil said the gun went off because they hit a bump in the road. The gun was sent out and tested it did not have a hair trigger. To us the evidence was all wrapped up and complete so let us get on with the trial. No, we have more time waiting for judges and attorneys to get their shit together or in other words make more money by prolonging this case. Many months later they send the gun out again for testing and now it comes back with a hair trigger and because of that now they want to reduce the charge. Add to this the fact that one of the detectives was busted for a major drug ring and the judge was also busted for drugs and both of them will probably serve more time than evil. Truth be told they say 8 consecutive years for involuntary manslaughter, when actually it is 5 years for the manslaughter charge and another 3 for the harassment charge. Take a life and you get 5 years, harass a witness and you get 3, and they call that justice.

I can honestly say that I am at such a loss to this entire process. From day one of being in that interrogation room with Candice to this final day in court, the only word that comes to mind is JOKE. I remember the comment being made in the interrogation room about us watching the ID channel and the detectives saying that those shows aren't "real". Well the REAL that we were hit with today was a real smack in the face. First I don't know how many times I went up to that court, each time I left with a sinking feeling that Nyosha wouldn't get the justice that she so deserved. Why is it that today was the first day that we heard it was a rifle that was used? Why is it that when we talked to the states attorney, he told us 7 years max for involuntary manslaughter and 5 years max for harassment, then today the max was 5 and 3. So for all of you out there that watch the ID channel if you watch a show where you see a detective that works part time as a drug dealer, a judge that snorts coke, and a states attorney office that doesn't keep the family informed or gives them bogus info then that show is REAL and probably filmed in St. Clair County. 

Facts are facts, evil put a gun to the back of Nyosha’s head and pulled the trigger, dumped her body, destroyed evidence, threatened the only other person at the scene, made up lie after lie after lie and never admitted anything and that is only 5 years for taking the life of a 19 year old woman who was just beginning her life. Facts are facts, if you keep prolonging a case they will beat down the evidence and in the end justice fails and corruption's pockets are lined with the blood of many victims.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WhAt A dAy...WhEw!!!!

I know it has been awhile but today I need to vent. Maybe it is just the day but I have to ask why are people so inconsiderate, unintelligent and detestable. Not all people but man there are some real scumbags out there.

First thing this morning I hear about a 3 month old boy that has died and 1 day after he was born there was a neglect allegation against his mother. So why was he and his two siblings still in that home? The system sure did let him down. RIP Blake

Since March first a 2 year old has been in the news because she was severely beaten by her mother’s boyfriend, a 24-year-old dickhead beat a 2 year old to stop her from crying. She had surgery to remove a damaged intestine and may be on a feeding tube the rest of her life. Today Amanda was upgraded to fair condition. God watch over and protect Amanda

Then I see that Casey Anthony wants the state of Florida to help with her court cost since she has run out of money. You allegedly murder you two-year-old daughter and now you want help to pay for your court costs. Give me a break. RIP Caylee

Then I see that a local school district has laid off 40 employees because the state of Illinois is beyond broke and they are anticipating a state budget that cuts one billion from education. Why start at the bottom with the low paid teachers, when will they start at the top with pay cuts for the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, Senators and Representatives.

Since I am talking about Illinois government let me make a broader statement. All government officials, AKA politicians are crooked. It is all about the dollar with them. If they have some big businesses lining their pockets they don’t care about anything else. Why don’t we ever hear about any of them getting their wages reduced? Plus cut back their health care or take it completely away and make them pay like some of the folks they represent. Sick of all the health care BS. I have dealt with hospitals, pharmacies and insurance companies through Dad’s cancer and also through Mom’s illness. Yes, I am glad and very lucky Dad had coal miner’s insurance. But seeing the cost of Mom and Dad’s prescriptions, hospital tests, and hospital stays, I can very well see how an illness could wipe out someone’s entire savings.

And what about generic prescriptions, they are cheaper but the same then why not just make generic and forget about that high priced original? How is it a hospital can get a prescription but pharmacies in our area can’t? FedEx, UPS and snail mail all stop delivering to pharmacies, but wait they get other scripts go figure. Why is it you have to pay to get a test like an MRI and then you have to pay some one to read it? How is it in this computer age that hospital’s can scan in your insurance card every time you go in there, but still can’t seem to bill the insurance company first? How is it that the insurance company gets the bill and still can’t pay because of who knows why? But then after many phone calls to the hospital and insurance company they realize that oh yeah it is OK for us to pay that bill. And heaven forbid that the hospital and insurance company talk to each other, no, no, they need some one else to call each of them and determine the problem. Yeah I absolutely love dealing with pharmacies, hospitals and insurance companies. Wonder if my government officials have such problems?

Last but certainly not least. I would like to comment about the f’ing scumbag that got on Wal-Mart’s intercom and said "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now." I don’t know where to start with this one. All I keep thinking of is how if Manny, Jada or Greg was a little bit older and in a store and heard that how would that affect them. Just thinking that if they heard something like that and then questioned why the color of their skin made a difference pisses me off. Praying for the day when no one is discriminated against for the color of his or her skin, religious preference or sexual preference.

Yes it was just that kind of day. God bless and protect the children of this world from scumbags on this earth.

Peace, Love and Chicken Grease!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

BonFire 2009

Also want to thank all the guys for replacing my car port on that day. I truly aprreciate each and every one of you.

I have the best family. Love you all!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Two cents...I've got em!!

Got to throw my two cents in. I love it when someone takes a stand for what they believe in or stands up to support a family member, friend, or whatever. Granted some may think it was harsh or too extreme, but when you are fighting for someone you care about emotions run deep. When some thing happens to someone you care about, some people may take the path as to accept it and not do or say anything and others may not. Which way is correct? The only thing you can be positively sure on is that if it is what you believe then all is good. Guess what we all don’t have to agree on everything. There are always two or more points of view with every situation. It may not have been the way I would have handled it, but that doesn’t mean it was wrong. It means we have a different opinion on how to handle the situation.

I can say for myself, that the whole kids sports adventure never ceases to amaze me. I love to go watch kids play any type of sport. I would love it more if most of the parents were muzzled and strapped down and if the coaches would remember it is not MLB, NBA, or NFL. My personal opinion is that you gain more by being someone who builds up a kid’s confidence. You don’t have to yell at them like dogs. Do you really think that a kid wants to strike out, wants to drop the fly ball, wants to miss that easy lay up, or wants to hit their serve in the net? Then I would love to see the parents and coaches play. I mean by the way they are bitching and complaining I bet they are perfect when they play any sport. And damn if they are that perfect then why aren’t they playing for a professional team and making the big bucks.

Yes it is true that I am not a coach or a parent. I am a human and do have my right to my opinion. I just have a few more comments based on sayings that I remember from my parents. The first is that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, which I believe if you praise kids for their accomplishments and trying to do their best it will build up their confidence and they will do better. The second saying is all about those who can, do and those who can’t teach. It speaks for itself.

Another motto I love is Fuck em and feed em fish heads.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Larry!

I never had the pleasure of actually meeting you. I just wanted to take this time on your birthday to thank you for raising such an awesome daughter. Candice is my little sister, and a very true and loyal friend. At a very young age she is a very wise soul. Yeah she has her Jordan moments. LOL! But she is such a kind, caring and thoughtful person. She puts so many others before herself. First and foremost no one can deny how much she has helped Jada Bird and how much she loves her. Then there is your grand daughter Samantha, she is Candice’s life. Jada and Manny come first in your daughter’s heart, mind, and soul. If she had the means she would take care of so many kids in this world that need it. She is constantly there for all of your grand children who love and respect her. That love had to come from somewhere and I think it started with you.

From the many talks that I have had with Candice, she loves you so and loved talking care of you and being your daughter. I have an inkling of what she is going through, because I too lost my Dad to cancer. Only she lost you at a younger age then when I lost my Dad, I can’t even imagine how I would have made it at such a young age. I know her faith has gotten her through some rough times. She also likes to give Kim and I credit for helping her, but in my book she has helped me out ten fold, especially since my Mom passed away in 2007. She has been my saving grace. She is so wise when it comes to feelings, respect and daily living and dealing with emotions. I have to give you credit for instilling such values and morals into her. Truth…she makes me think and even is helping me with my biggest downfall of holding grudges. She is making me see how those grudges are hurting me and I need to let that shit roll right off my back and forget about it, like someone once told her. :o)

Larry from the bottom of my heart thanks so much for inspiring and encouraging Candice to be who she is today. I am so glad that I finally realize who the real Candice for myself and not what others were saying.

God Speed and Happy Birthday!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Just add family and a bad day is not so bad...

Six years ago today I lost my Dad. I always dread this day I would say that they are getting easier but... This year however it wasn't too bad. We (Kim, Candice, Jada Bird, Manny Turtle and I) crashed in on the Teeter reunion. It was great seeing everyone. It has been too long.

We decided to head up to Van on Saturday. I have been curious ever since I put the solar powered angel and flag on Dad and Mom's grave as to whether or not they were actually lighting up. So after we got the hotel room we headed out to the cemetery. Yeah it was dark and if Dad would have been there he would say that we were going snipe hunting. :) Kim and Candice seen them as soon as I turned off the highway, but because it was kind of foggy I was watching the road. Pulled right up beside and there they were lit up even though it had been rainy and cloudy all day. That made me so happy. Some of you may think I am crazy and those of you who really know me know I am, but I shut off the truck and turned off the lights. Here we all were in this country cemetery no lights and foggy as heck, looked like a Stephen King movie, but wasn't scared at all. I attempted to take some pictures but they didn't turn out too good, haven't watched the video but it will be on you tube if it isn't too bad. Dad tried many times when I was young to get me to go snipe hunting in the cemetery at night but I was too chicken. But last night there I was standing and didn't see any snipes :) Started sprinkling and it was pretty cool. Think Dad and Mom were sending me a message and as usual their hard headed daughter wasn't listening so it started pouring then I got it. :) :)

The Teeter reunion was awesome. Thanks Lucy, Rett, Teresa, Dixie, Keri and Angie it was great seeing all of you.

Kim, Candice, Jada Bird and my Manny Turtle thanks for staying close and keeping my mind busy.

Herbie, your spoiled brat baby girl misses you like crazy. I love you Dad.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A must see for all

What it is...is what it will be!!!!!

What it is...is what it will be!!!!!
Loyal Friends are few and far between!