If you know me then you know that I have a journal that I vent to, quite often. There has been a phrase that I have been hearing that pisses me off to no end. The phrase is: She or he is really a good person. What amazes me is that I hear this after someone has told me some of the bullshit that this person has done.
Yes, I know we all make mistakes, but excuse me I don’t think when you constantly day after day abuse people. You are NOT a good person. By abuse I do not mean physical abuse, it is the day-to-day little things that are done over and over again. But then there is always the next day when they say I’m sorry and everything is OK. Until a few hours or days later and the head games starts all over again.
What pisses me off even more than the little head games is when you hear someone say but they will do anything for anyone. Well that is great because they don’t do shit for their family. Oh wait but there was that one-day back in nineteen something when they did act like they cared. Well hell then that makes everything OK, one day out of how many years. I guess they are a good person. No I don’t think so!
Then there is always, well they are having a rough time right now. OH, I’m sorry, your not having a good day, then go ahead and make others miserable right there with you. Feel sorry for yourself and make others miserable, that makes you a good person. NOT!
My all time favorite thing that these people do is LIE. I shouldn’t be surprised about this, because with everything else that they do why shouldn’t they lie also. It is all a part of being a good person…RIGHT?
What the fuck? Am I the only sane one around here any more? If you look up good in the dictionary, you’ll find: favorable character or tendency; that can be relied on; agreeable; pleasant; wholesome; considerable; well-founded; true; deserving of respect; honorable; satisfactory; virtuous; right; kind; commendable; benevolent; close; loyal; well-behaved just to name a few.
Where in that list do you see, treat others like shit; screw your family; feel sorry for yourself; hurt people over and over again and lie?
Yes, I am on a tirade over this, but it is because I have heard it from so many people over the past few days and these so-called good people have been screwing people for a long time. We all make mistakes by when these people do it over and over and over again, why are people so accepting. That is one thing that I am not…If these people really loved and cared like they are so quickly to say, then they wouldn’t continue to be such asses. How can they sleep at night? Easy, because they don’t care. They only care about themselves.
It is for this reason that I hope that I am not considered a good person. Call me everything but a “good” person, because if I treat family and friends like that then I would hope they would take a hammer and knock some sense into me, and I do believe it would only take once for it to sink in. But believe me when I say this, because I am talking from experience, when I am an ass to someone I care about, it doesn’t take a hammer, all it takes it seeing the hurt in their eyes. Trust me I would rather be hit with a hammer because that kills me…when I cause someone to hurt, I am not able to go on, sleep or anything, until I make it right, unlike these good people.
These are my views and opinions, and remember I am nothing but a terrible person; trouble in every form of the word; menace to society; hell raiser; all around problem!
12 years ago