Thursday, May 31, 2007

Morgan Reunion 2007

If I remember I started this reunion back in 2000, because as I put it on the first invitation it seemed to take an act of God to get the Morgan clan together. This day has always been all about Dad and Mom. As our family goes we are lucky to say that Charles Herbert and Betty Mae are our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Dad is truly missed each and every day, but especially on this day. I know when he was alive you could see the joy in his eyes and still to this day you see the joy in Mom’s eyes as they watch their kids, grand kids and great grand kids roaming around the pavilion. Roaming is a nice way to put it, but anyone who knows the Morgan’s knows that it is more like running a muck reeking havoc on some poor victims.

Our Motto is: We put the FUN in dysFUNctional!

That says it all…enjoy the pics from Reunion 2007!!!

Jada Bird says CHEESE!
Bobbie and Mom just CHILLIN!
Future All Stars
Max, AJ, Shayne, & Anthony
Austin and Emily

Check out my Myspace page in a few days for the reunion video......

Golf Day after the reunion

Check out the teams for golf...

Who knows who won...

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All I remember is CC and Kenny yelling at me when I hit a ball in the water...

They yelled: You going swimming Red?

Yeah, they are true Morgans that can come up with the smart ass comments at the right time.

Reunion 2007 Pictures

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Jim & Shannon, Paul & Hillary, and Kevin & Caryn...We Missed you!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

In Loving Memory of Rick Jackson

Every time I think of Rick, his humor is what comes to mind. I can remember him and Dad firing jokes left and right. There was always laughter which is what this world needs. These are some pics that Mom had.
Anyone want to put a caption to this one...
Rick Jackson 12/11/46-05/18/07
When you speak of him speak not with tears
for thoughts of him should not be sad.
Let memories of the times you shared give you comfort
for his life was rich because of you.
And though for now you had to part,
though to part he did not choose;
he'll be with you along life's path,
Forever In Your Heart.

Dixie, Ricky, Keri and Angie you are in my thoughts and prayers.

And the Winner is.....

Who won for the biggest bass....
Yeah, that is right boys and girls, Loser won with that monster she fought out of the lake at the Scott National Wildlife Area. And thanks to that monster the team of Loser and Red won for most weight in bass. Want to hear the funny part, our lucky basket where we keep all that we catch had a hole in it...who knows how many got away. How is that for a fishing story? What we owe it all to is Loser's skill and my fishing buddy in Las Vegas sending me some good luck.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fast Forward to Today


Big change...

Mom is now living with me. The doctors in Vandalia were not helping. Thought it better for her to get her back to the doctors down here. Better that I don't have to run my ass off...although I could stand to loose it. Only time will tell if we both drive each other insane.

Morgan Reunion changed from Vandalia to Coulterville because Mom is back in Coulterville.

What else...

Finally got the low life scum out of T's house, now just need to find a decent renter. Rule number one never rent to so-called friends, because they will screw you. The shape they left the house was something that I never want to witness again. As I told Loser when I found a T-Ball in the house, I think I could beat the hell out of both of them bitches with that little bat and I would enjoy every home run. Thanks Loser so much for taking care of cleaning it out and disinfecting. I know one day those bitches will get paid back.

My little Ford mower that I got from Uncle Melvin, finally went kaput. Got a new and bigger one. I love taking care of my yard and now I have a new toy to help me. Mowing relaxes me. It is my escape. I put peoples head on each blade of grass so imagine the joy I feel chopping all them heads off.

Really I am not homicidal, just here lately I have been in a real zone for revenge for all the dick heads and bitches that have been causing grief to me or anyone I love and care about.

By the way...

Morgan Reunion changed from Vandalia to Coulterville because Mom is back in Coulterville.

Peace out...Red Rover over and out...until next time...same bat time same bat channel!

What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
Loyal Friends are few and far between!