Sunday, June 17, 2007

For those of you lucky enough...hope you hugged your Dad today...

This is one of three very hard days for me. I lost my Dad back in 2003. If your Dad is still around I hope you took the time to hug him and tell him how much you love him and appreciate him. many images come to mind
whenever I speak your name;
It seems without you in my life
things have never been the same.
What happened to those lazy days
when I was just a child;
When my life was consumed in you
in your love, and in your smile.
What happened to all those times
when I always looked to you;
No matter what happened in my life
you could make my gray skies blue.
Dad, some days I hear your voice
and turn to see your face;
Yet in my seems
the sound has been erased.
Dad, who will I turn to for answers
when life does not make sense;
Who will be there to hold me close
when the pieces just don't fit.
Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time
and once more hear your voice;
I'd tell you that out of all the dads
you would still be my choice.
Please always know I love you
and no one can take your place;
Years may come and go
but your memory will never be erased.
Today, Jesus, as You are listening
in your home above;
Would you go and find my Dad
and give him all my love.

Happy Fathers Day, Dad
I love you and miss you
forever and for always!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Randolph County Relay for Life 2007

Every time I attend one of these, I remember Dad walking the survivor lap back in 2002. He may have been the last one to cross the line, but he did it and I was so proud of him. Fast forward to 2007 and what is running through my mind is how over the past 5 year my luminaries have changed from In Honor to In Memory. Cancer sucks. If you have never attended a relay, I would say take time out and go, it is an amazing event and such a good cause. The sight of all those lighted bags around the track is a great way to honor those who have battled and continue to battle this dreadful disease. Between me, Mom, Jerry & Sharon, Kim, Candice and Jada, we had one corner of the track lit up with the luminaries that we had bought to honor our loved ones. Below is some of the pics.

Actually we had two corners are luminaries started on this corner and were mixed all the way around to the other corner.

View from the other side of the track.

These are a couple of Mom's and my bags that I grabbed before I left.
In Memory of
Charles H. Morgan, Marie C. Lockart, Lenna S. Morgan, Logan Lockart Jr., Bob Stine, Jeannie Jackson, Rick Jackson, Betty Lockart, Glenn Brookshire, Denzil Morgan, Chuck Crowder, Larry Crowder, Larry Williams, Larry Scott, Carl Glasco, Smiley Wise, Thelma Williams, Milton Sinnard, Sherman Scott, Jim Smith, Shelby Scott

In Honor of
Charles W. Morgan, Edna Branham, James A. Morgan, Alroy Long, Erline Cane, Bea Lachler

Thursday, June 07, 2007

W T F !

Oh hell yes it is time for another stop and surf somewhere else if you don’t want to listen. My question to anyone and everyone is why do people let dick heads and bitches hurt them time and time again and they forgive and act like everything is OK and start again like nothing ever happened. Give me a break. After a certain point I would think people would be smart enough to love them selves and tell the dick heads and bitches...CYA...I am through. What does it take to finally open ones eyes? Let me say this past weekend was big reality check. I will start by saying a Friend of mine had her ass kicked by her so called best friend who I will refer to as Cujo from here on out. And yes my Friend did not throw one punch back and why because that was her best friend. WTF! Yes, I understand that I would never hit my Best Friend either, but my Best Friend wouldn’t act like Cujo either at least I hope she wouldn’t and if it would happen I’d say GAME ON! Because in the first place if Cujo is hitting you she isn’t your friend let alone best friend. And second if my Best Friend is hitting me then something else has taken over her body and I would fight like hell to protect myself. GAME ON! My Friend I will support no matter what, but Cujo can bite me. (Maybe I shouldn’t have used that comment but that was nicer than what I really wanted to say) I no longer want to waste any of my time around her. In time my Friend will forgive Cujo and be happy again…until the next time that always happens. WHY? WHY? WHY?

Next weekend whammy...which I just found out today...but have had that funny feeling all weekend like something was up in Vegas. And yes it involves my Best Friend...No she didn’t lay a hand on me. But her low life ex headed out to Vegas. No warning...just SURPRISE...Well if he wants to go out there be a MAN...get your own place, get a things right. Not quit your job, go to Vegas and mooch off your ex. Him and Cujo belong in the same cage. They both have hurt the people they are supposed to care about time and time and time again. When is enough, enough? What I love is the year’s comments like she’s been my best friend for 15 years or I was married to him for 21 years. WTF? Well in one night she beat the shit out of you and he screwed around on you and hit you, but it’s their lives and so be it. I will always be there for my Best Friend and my Friend, Cujo and the ex I will have nothing to do with. Can’t stand them and don’t want to be around either one of them. I have no room in my life for people like that, plus they are not related so I don’t have to have them anywhere near me.

My choice because it is my life, plus with my temper it is better not to be around them because my mouth will surely not know when to shut up. I would like to say so how do you feel now that you beat up your best friend or you must really love your wife and kids to have screwed someone else and also what a big man you are to have hit your wife in front of your kids. Oh hell ya, I could go on and on, I could bring up a beer bottle, jumping a ditch landing in a field, biting, being lazy, running to Momma, stealing money and my all time favorite that the ex and Cujo have mastered...LYING. I have a whole arsenal of information but out of respect for my Best Friend and Friend, I say nothing when I see the dick head and bitch in the same vicinity of my Best Friend and Friend. That is why I love this blogger...Let's me Vent because there is not enough Miller Lite to get me through this SHIT!!!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Happy 16th Birthday Emma Lie....Love ya!

create your own slideshow

What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
Loyal Friends are few and far between!