I have been staring at the head line and all I see is “Police investigate homicide of a young mother.” It is so senseless and all I keep thinking is her little man is not going to remember her. It is just so unbelievable. I can’t believe I won’t see her at work any more. She was only 26. Her little man just had his first birthday. He was her life. She was a great mother. I don’t see many young mothers like her; she actually lived her life for him. He was the center of her universe. When she talked about him, she lit up like a Christmas tree. Coming from small town Podunk where most kids are more for tax purposes, it was unusual to see someone who really and truly did love their kid like she did. Now because of, pardon my language, a no good motherfucker psycho bastard, this little man will never know the mother that adored and loved him endlessly. I just can’t believe this. This world is so screwed. This was so senseless and I am still trying to grasp it. There is a little man that has lost his loving mother and it is heartbreaking. Please say a prayer for this little man and his family. Casey, rest in peace. You will be missed.