Made it through Mom's birthday, with alot of help from my family and friends. Got to thank my crazy neighbors and my Bird and Turtle, Lady Di for the phone call, Hooker for the text, JJ for the email. We cleaned up the grave site added my present to Mom, then Kim and the girls sang Happy Birthday, sounded beautiful. Then I played some of Mom's favorite songs. We then ventured to the park to eat. Then we went to Sweetbriar to see Mom's best friend Peggy. Her and Mom share the same birthday. Peggy says it best, she always says there is only one Betty, one in a million and she is right. Mom was simply the best. We had a great visit with Peggy then we went to see Aunt Clara Belle and the girls. A tough day ended up being no so tough after all.
Friday went with Brandy, Judy, Bill Jess, Emily and Jimmy to move Jimmy into SIU-C. It was a really good day. Only a few tears were shed. I still can't believe that Jimmy is in college. Seems like yesterday when Brandy was bringing the little red head over to Mom's now he is a freshman in college. The sky is the limit for him, he is so talented.
Saturday was Loser's party. And I was sick. WTF! Took some drugs early then said no more, I treated it with a few Miller Lites. Kim had a good time, everyone did. I was a good day to be around family and friends and have a few, especially when your drinking from Captain Jeremy Morgan's private stock. WAHOO!!!!
Sunday bonded with my couch and some more drugs. No wasn't a hang over the cold/allergies kicked my ass.
Monday...Golf Time! Still felt a little sick, but was determined to go golfing with the birthday girl. We went to the goat ranch. Greens sucked. Played in and out of the sprinklers. Beer was sliding. Weather was fabulous. Great Day!
Tuesday did nothing, ran to Ivan's to get fencing for Kim and that was it. Vacation over work on Wednesday. That sucks.
Enjoy the picks and videos, It was a great couple days.
Grey's paperwork has all the T's crossed and the I's dotted. He has been a Morgan from day one, it is just all official now. Welcome to the family, Little Man!
12 years ago