Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ever wonder whose looking at your blog?

Found this page and I don't remember how I came across it, but it allowed me to add some code to my blog and it would keep statistics on where the hits to my blog were coming from. Think I added back in April last year. Below are some of the graphics that I got.

This world view blows me away with the Poland, Bolivia and UK. WTF! That was a search engine that went drastically wrong or someone is really bored to look at the ramblings from a Podunk redneck from Southern Illinois.
Just another way that Big Brother and Red Rover are watching y'all!
Superbowl tomorrow...can't wait love being able to sit around all day and watch TV, eat appetizers, drink and spend some quality time with Loser, Scrappy, Bird and Turtle. Going to be a blast. I am pulling for the Cardinals, I love Kurt Warner always have even when he was a Ram. Love his attitude about football and life, what an inspiration. And what about that half time show, BRUCE, what more could one want. Football, Food, Family and BRUCE!!!
Peace out

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Guess Who is a Great Aunt again?

Drew Christopher Morgan
January 23rd
5lb 7 oz. and 19 inches

Daddy, Jimmy (AKA Bighead) and Mommy, Shannon
Big Sister, Mercedez and Big Brothers Hunter and Ryan

Mom and Drew are doing well.
Sending much love from Auntie Red!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Rewind

Saturday was Mom and Dad’s wedding anniversary, so it started out a little rough, but I made a decision that I wasn’t staying home and stare at my four walls. I called my family next door and said “Road Trip” they were all for it. First stop, the cemetery in Vandalia. I had already missed going up there for Dad’s birthday. Thanks to Candice she got some balloons and a heart that we sent messages up to Dad, right from my back yard. So on their anniversary I had to make sure I made the trip. When we got there the wind had done it share, the hooks and the one plaque were bent to about a 45 degree angle. They were frozen so there was no moving them. Plus it had even blown the flowers out of the vases. I put the flowers back and Kim and I added some more. Then we got back in the truck where it was warm. Candice was smart she stayed in the truck with the girls. We then listened to a few choice songs for Mom and Dad and then we continued our road trip. Next stop another cemetery. We had to go see Louie and Dylan, it had been awhile since we had been there. Again Kim and I jumped out and cleaned off the graves from all the leaves. Talked to Louie and Big D, Dylan, plus we both bitched about how Louie’s ex still has not got Dylan, her son, a head stone. And we know she got some money, enough to get that boy a stone. Really pisses me off. Louie’s family and my family went together to get Louie’s so we thought she would then get Dylan’s but boy we were wrong. Enough about that rant, I could go on and on, if you ever want to get me fired up just mention it to me then stand back. So we told Louie and Dylan bye and headed for our final destination, the big town of Taylorville. First stop, Taco Bell to surprise Bobbie, she had no idea. She was getting ready to leave so we headed out to Keith and Diane’s. We knew they were there playing Bingo cause Kim was texting AJ. We walked in and Kim yelled Bingo, they all looked at us like what the heck are you guys doing here. It was around 6 pm by that time, not a time we normally arrive. Jim, Hunter and Ryan were there too. Shannon and Mercedes came later. It had been awhile since Kim, Candice, and Jada had been up there and I think that was Sam’s first visit to T-Town. We had a great time we ended up staying until about 10:30 pm then headed back to the big town of Coulterville. So we rolled back into C’ville at about 1 am. Yeah it was late but it was well worth it, plus I could lie around all day on Sunday to recoup.

These are a couple of memorials that I got for my landscaping around my house, but thanks to my water line break they have to wait until the spring when I can fix my front yard.

This canvas portrait is a Keith and Diane's Christmas present from their kids. They (Kevin) found a place on the web that takes older pictures and places them on canvas. I can't believe how great this turned out. If you ever get the chance go to Keith and Diane's and see the real thing. My Mom is absolutely beautiful and that crooked smile on my Dad makes me wonder what he was saying or thinking at that particular moment.
Happy Anniversary
January 17, 1948
Herbie and Bettty Mae.
Forever and Always in my Heart
Got a few more bullet points from the weekend but going to put them on my blog on MySpace.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Candice Marie and Mercedez!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Mercedez!
Auntie Red, Loves you!

Happy Birthday, Candice Marie!
And Turtle told me to tell you
Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!
Not the Momma Loves you!!!! :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Woke up thinking about you cause this is your day. It is your 83rd birthday. I am so thankful for all the memories. From you and me fishing in the lake at the trailer park. You made me think like I was the greatest fisherman because of all the fish following my broken tail minnow in as I reeled it in. Then the camping trips at Washington County. We slayed the channel cat, but we fed the turtles that night when we left the stringer in the water. Nothing like seeing a stringer full of channel cat heads. Dang it! What about mushroom hunting, loved doing that with you and Mom. Mom was pretty good at getting us started by finding the first one. Was always amazed at you riding the bike backwards. Our trip down in the your mine. Our trip to Ohio. Our trips everywhere. You were always there for me if I needed anything except if I needed someone to come and help me get a snake out of my house, you sent Mom on that one. :) Your jokes and laughter. Your one liners or your full blown poems, like the dirty dirty drawers. You were the best and I miss you so much.

Happy Birthday, Dad
Love you!

2009 Whew!

Whew! One of my many resolutions was too blog more and here it is the 10th and I have already paid the cuss jar $20.oo and the whole exercise thing yeah well that isn't happening yet either. So let me give you a brief run down of the low down...

Not much has really been happening this year up until the 8th. Went back to work and they are still laying off, not looking good anywhere. Hopefully this will turn around soon, but doesn't sound like it.

So let me talk about the 8th, first Happy Birthday Bighead! Yeah his bday was on the 8th just like Elvis. Went to work, then after work had to go to wally world then home. Just finished putting everything up when I got a call from Kim. All she said was Red I need you over here Jada is having a seizure. I hung up the phone and ran over. Jada was on the bed and all I could see was the whites of her eyes. Kim was putting a cold rag on her head and neck and talking to her to try to bring her around, and she had Sam in a scissor lock with her legs. I took Sam then Kim told me to do what she was doing with Jada cause she had to try to get in touch with Candice who was at work. I was scared as heck. Never been through anything like this before. Jada was unresponsive. I would say her name and nothing. Kim came back in and then her eyes finally came back but still unresponsive. I told Kim to call 911. We took her out in the living room and sat her up we kept trying to get her to respond. We would say her name and she would turn but the she looked through us. Not follow us at all. Help finally got there. They ended up taking her to the hospital. Kim had someone at the mine tell Candice to meet them at the hospital and Kim went with Jada in the ambulance. I stayed with Sam and we waited. Sharon came in and waited with us. Jada is fine, she came home that night. She had what they call a break through seizure and they are just part of cerebral palsy.

When it was just me and Sam in the house, I sat in the rocker and Sam fell right asleep and she slept until they got home with Jada. Kim, Jada and Sam were sleeping in the bed and it was Sam that woke Kim up. She was leaning over Jada jabbering to wake up Kim and that is how Kim found Jada. Then during the whole ordeal when Kim and I were talking and saying Jada's name, Sam was right there with us saying Jada. I didn't realize it at the time, it was when we were in the rocker that I started remembering all of this. Sam was a real trooper. I think she sinced the panic in me and knew Kim was taking care of Jada, and that is why she was helping too. When we would say Jada she would too. What a pretty amazing 9 month old. She is already helping take care of her big sis.

As I said Jada is fine, she is wore out and slept most of the next day, but that is what is expected. Jada has had seizures before but I have never seen one until the 8th. All I kept thinking the entire time was what had been on the news about Travolta's son dying of a seizure so yeah I was scared. They brought Jada home that night she was able to give me a little smile, but she was tired. She fell asleep on my lap. She was exhausted, she slept the rest of the night. And when I went there yesterday after work she was sleeping again. She did get up later and we sat on the floor and played with her toys and Sam. Thank God she is OK and thank God Sam woke Kim up. Love my Bird and Turtle.

What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
Loyal Friends are few and far between!