Got to throw my two cents in. I love it when someone takes a stand for what they believe in or stands up to support a family member, friend, or whatever. Granted some may think it was harsh or too extreme, but when you are fighting for someone you care about emotions run deep. When some thing happens to someone you care about, some people may take the path as to accept it and not do or say anything and others may not. Which way is correct? The only thing you can be positively sure on is that if it is what you believe then all is good. Guess what we all don’t have to agree on everything. There are always two or more points of view with every situation. It may not have been the way I would have handled it, but that doesn’t mean it was wrong. It means we have a different opinion on how to handle the situation.
I can say for myself, that the whole kids sports adventure never ceases to amaze me. I love to go watch kids play any type of sport. I would love it more if most of the parents were muzzled and strapped down and if the coaches would remember it is not MLB, NBA, or NFL. My personal opinion is that you gain more by being someone who builds up a kid’s confidence. You don’t have to yell at them like dogs. Do you really think that a kid wants to strike out, wants to drop the fly ball, wants to miss that easy lay up, or wants to hit their serve in the net? Then I would love to see the parents and coaches play. I mean by the way they are bitching and complaining I bet they are perfect when they play any sport. And damn if they are that perfect then why aren’t they playing for a professional team and making the big bucks.
Yes it is true that I am not a coach or a parent. I am a human and do have my right to my opinion. I just have a few more comments based on sayings that I remember from my parents. The first is that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, which I believe if you praise kids for their accomplishments and trying to do their best it will build up their confidence and they will do better. The second saying is all about those who can, do and those who can’t teach. It speaks for itself.
Another motto I love is Fuck em and feed em fish heads.
13 years ago