I know it has been awhile but today I need to vent. Maybe it is just the day but I have to ask why are people so inconsiderate, unintelligent and detestable. Not all people but man there are some real scumbags out there.
First thing this morning I hear about a 3 month old boy that has died and 1 day after he was born there was a neglect allegation against his mother. So why was he and his two siblings still in that home? The system sure did let him down. RIP Blake
Since March first a 2 year old has been in the news because she was severely beaten by her mother’s boyfriend, a 24-year-old dickhead beat a 2 year old to stop her from crying. She had surgery to remove a damaged intestine and may be on a feeding tube the rest of her life. Today Amanda was upgraded to fair condition. God watch over and protect Amanda
Then I see that Casey Anthony wants the state of Florida to help with her court cost since she has run out of money. You allegedly murder you two-year-old daughter and now you want help to pay for your court costs. Give me a break. RIP Caylee
Then I see that a local school district has laid off 40 employees because the state of Illinois is beyond broke and they are anticipating a state budget that cuts one billion from education. Why start at the bottom with the low paid teachers, when will they start at the top with pay cuts for the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, Senators and Representatives.
Since I am talking about Illinois government let me make a broader statement. All government officials, AKA politicians are crooked. It is all about the dollar with them. If they have some big businesses lining their pockets they don’t care about anything else. Why don’t we ever hear about any of them getting their wages reduced? Plus cut back their health care or take it completely away and make them pay like some of the folks they represent. Sick of all the health care BS. I have dealt with hospitals, pharmacies and insurance companies through Dad’s cancer and also through Mom’s illness. Yes, I am glad and very lucky Dad had coal miner’s insurance. But seeing the cost of Mom and Dad’s prescriptions, hospital tests, and hospital stays, I can very well see how an illness could wipe out someone’s entire savings.
And what about generic prescriptions, they are cheaper but the same then why not just make generic and forget about that high priced original? How is it a hospital can get a prescription but pharmacies in our area can’t? FedEx, UPS and snail mail all stop delivering to pharmacies, but wait they get other scripts go figure. Why is it you have to pay to get a test like an MRI and then you have to pay some one to read it? How is it in this computer age that hospital’s can scan in your insurance card every time you go in there, but still can’t seem to bill the insurance company first? How is it that the insurance company gets the bill and still can’t pay because of who knows why? But then after many phone calls to the hospital and insurance company they realize that oh yeah it is OK for us to pay that bill. And heaven forbid that the hospital and insurance company talk to each other, no, no, they need some one else to call each of them and determine the problem. Yeah I absolutely love dealing with pharmacies, hospitals and insurance companies. Wonder if my government officials have such problems?
Last but certainly not least. I would like to comment about the f’ing scumbag that got on Wal-Mart’s intercom and said "Attention Wal-Mart customers: All black people leave the store now." I don’t know where to start with this one. All I keep thinking of is how if Manny, Jada or Greg was a little bit older and in a store and heard that how would that affect them. Just thinking that if they heard something like that and then questioned why the color of their skin made a difference pisses me off. Praying for the day when no one is discriminated against for the color of his or her skin, religious preference or sexual preference.
Yes it was just that kind of day. God bless and protect the children of this world from scumbags on this earth.
Peace, Love and Chicken Grease!!!!
13 years ago