Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year, but it is going to be TOUGH!

2007 will forever be the year I lost my Mom, just as 2003 is when I lost my Dad. Who knows what the heck will happen in 2008? I am not looking forward to it, the first year without my both of my parents. If ever I needed anything they were the ones that I could ALWAYS count on. I find myself sitting here reminiscing about anything and everything that brings them to mind. Yeah, I was Daddy’s little girl but Mom and I were inseparable. Dad worked a lot on second shift, so when I got home from school, it was just Mom and me.

All three of us did so many things together, from camping at Washington County to our trips to Taylorville and also to West Virginia and Ohio. On the camping trips Dad and I kicked ass at fishing, we slayed the channel cat, but turtles ended up with them and all we had was a stringer of fish heads. Mom was the greatest Mom and the proof is that she put up with all my friends coming over to the house to study or just hang out. All of them told me repeatedly how cool they thought my Mom was. She treated them all like one of the family. When finals came around she knew that 5 – 10 there we all would be at the house cramming. Then there were the times when she would walk up to all the basketball games with me. Everyone knew Mama. She sat there with us loud mouth kids and cheered on the boys. Then we would walk home, with an occasional stop at Waldrup’s to warm up.

Both Mom and Dad supported me so much in high school and college. I was glad that I was able to come home on weekends to see Mom and Dad while in college. It was around that time that Zane was born and it was cool to see how much Dad and Mom enjoyed him. Not that they didn’t enjoy the other grandkids, but he was the first baby in a long time. Zane was Dad and Mom’s little man as well and my little buddy. Dad and Mom and Mom and I made many trips to get Zane and the weekends were so awesome for all of us. I have many videos of those times and they are priceless.

I have always said that I could never repay Dad and Mom for what they have gave me and taught me along this highway of life. As I sit here in this house, I remember all the blood and sweat Dad and Mom put into getting this house for me and also getting it ready for me to move in. A complete overhaul, from stripping the trim, repainting everything and the basement nightmare, they were there every step of the way. Then when minor problems would arise they would help. The only time Dad refused, Mom picked up the slack and that was when I had a snake in the house and I knew better than to call Dad. Mom came over with a coffee can and got the snake out.

I knew Mom was a very strong woman, but seeing her take care of Dad when he was stricken with cancer, WOW she was such an awesome wife. She did so much for Dad and she was having issues with her breathing and also shaking, but she hammered through all of it, because she said she was his wife and that was what she was suppose to do.

I am so happy that Mom came to live with me on Mother’s Day weekend, although it is really tough now. I got use to hearing her O2 machine. I keep thinking she is up there in her recliner watching GSN. We had our ups and downs, and I regret the downs, big time. Our last trip to Vandalia was so great. We went to Wal-Mart and got flowers to take out to Dad and Louie’s grave. Then we went and ate at Burger King and then went out to Loogootee and Griffith cemeteries. Capped off the day at Sweetbriar. We stayed a few hours at Sweetbriar, Mom was so happy talking to Peggy, Michelle and the rest of the ladies. There was much laughter that day. We had such a great time. We topped off the trip by going through the drive thru at DQ in Nashville. That would be one Pineapple shake for one Great Lady!

This New Year is going to be really tough on me, but thanks the two great people, I will eventually be OK. I just have to find my new normal again. Dad and Mom thank you for all of your help over the years, thanks for being such great teachers but most of all thanks for all of the fun and great times. Love ya, your spoiled rotten little brat.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below.
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear.

For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,
But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,

For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away, We really aren't apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones, You know I hold you dear.

And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold.

Was always most important the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other, my Father said to do.
I can't count the blessing or love has for each of you.
So have a Merry Christmas and Wipe away that tear.

Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

Merry Christmas Everyone

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A little space and time, Please

To say that the last few weeks have been rather rough is an understatement, and the days, weeks, months and years to come are going to be harder than hell. Mom went into the hospital on Saturday, November 24 with a compression fracture in her back. Then Sunday we found out she had a broken rib also. I don’t have a clue what happened and neither did she. We both tried to come up with how it happened. She had already spent a week at home in constant pain and Saturday it was too much for her to handle so we had to call an ambulance to get her to the hospital. In the beginning she was given Vicodin for her pain, but then that seemed not to help her. She was in immense pain by Wednesday, they double up the pills and at noon she was resting, but seemed to be getting weaker. Thursday was basically the same she was weaker. The doctor seemed pretty clueless also. Should I have moved her to a different hospital? I have asked myself that a million times. Friday I had a doctor’s appointment in Belleville so I took the day off work to be with Mom. I sat there from around 7 AM until I left at 12:30 PM. Her O2 level was around 90 and her blood pressure was low. All morning I watched the monitor and nothing was improving. The doctor had said he was going to have the heart doctor look at her. I hated leaving her. When I got back she was doing a little better. When I asked her how she was doing, she said she was getting ready to dance. That’s my Mama. Saturday when I got in there she wouldn’t really respond to me. She would squeeze my hand but that was it. I called Keith and Diane at my house and told them to come quick. Diane did get her to respond. Then the doctor came in with the bad news and asking about a DNR. My heart sank. WTF. She was in her with a busted back, what is going on? Diane started calling every one. One by one the family showed up and Mom knew everyone. She was just so weak and struggling for every breath. I wasn’t leaving I was staying with Mom and Keith stayed with me. All night I watch her, then at 4 AM the nurse came in to inform us that she had the MRSA virus (Staff Infection). I asked if the swab they took when she was admitted showed it, and was told that it came from a sputum culture from Wednesday. Once they got Mom in isolation she ate pretty good and seemed to be getting better. For the next week someone stayed with Mom all day and night. I didn’t want her left alone. I can’t remember what night it was but when I was asked to sign the DNR, I know now why Mom wanted 2 people in charge of her medical, she didn’t want one person going through all of that. I hated signing it but I knew what Mom’s wishes were. Afterwards I went in and held her hand and told her how much I loved her. I lasted until about 4 then called Mike and Sharon to come down, and at 6 I went home to get some rest, yeah right. I have been trying to remember when Mom stopped responding. I know one of my last nights that I stayed with her she talked my leg off. Some of it was good conversation and some of it was off the wall thanks to the morphine. She was so happy that Kevin and Caryn were getting a baby. She said Kevin needs a little boy. She also said we have a “Normal” family and she said she loved all of us. We had a good night. I wish I had been writing in my journal throughout this so I would know when somethings occurred. I know when Kim and I went down there that night when Keith was staying. I know they said she was saying “don’t, don’t” but she was out of it. Then the next day is when her lung collapsed and they had to put a chest tube in. Thank God for Dr. Charles talking and telling us why the chest tube should be inserted. It did make it so much easier on Mom. On Tuesday when Dr. Barkoviac came in to see Mom, he basically said Mom’s lungs were just wore out, something we all knew. I hated seeing her struggling, nothing seemed to be helping and that is when we decided that they wouldn’t put Mom through any more pain and discomfort. Hospice came in to make Mom comfortable. I stayed with Mom until about 12:30 that night and Keith and Diane stayed the rest of the night. As I sat there holding Mom’s hand I questioned every decision that I had made. I told her how proud I was to have her as a Mom and that she shouldn’t worry about any of us because her and Dad had done a great job raising us. I knew that I was saying so long for now, because I didn’t think she would make it through the night. Diane said she went really peaceful at 7:07 AM.

To honor Mom was the next thing that I had to take care of. The only thing she ever said about her funeral was that she wanted Kris Kristofferson’s “Why Me” played. The other thing that kept running in my mind was how many times I heard Mom say that she wanted all of us Morgan’s to go to Luster Chapel on one Sunday. She wanted to fill that church for Marvin. This was the church she went to as a little girl and then when she moved to Sweetbriar she went there with Aunt Clara Belle and the girls. Now I just have to make sure we can do it and hopefully Marvin would be able to do the service. An email confirmed that Marvin would do it, he would be honored to do it for “Aunt Betty”. So I had one song and wanted to come up with another, no problem whenever I think of all that Mom has done, Dolly Parton’s “Eagle When She Flies” is Mom! Next mountain was to come up with the eulogy. How can I sum up this wonderful lady’s life? I tried to start it on the day she passed and nothing seemed right. Eventually the words started, but only after staring at photos and just remembering. Kim came over to help and when she read what I had she was in tears so I knew that I had done OK. She helped me add a few more items then it was good to go. So we had the songs, the Luster Chapel, the eulogy, all we needed was the strength to get through the service at Coulterville and then the one at the church and cemetery.

Awesome Lady, Caring Lady, Funny Lady, Always Smiling and Laughing, I heard these many times and many additional things over that Sunday night and Monday morning. The songs tore me up on both days, which I knew they would. One Mama wanted and one I wanted because it described her so well. At the church Marvin read the eulogy from the heart and did a wonderful job, it was heartfelt plus he added some of his own memories. Then I lead the pack to the cemetery. We took Mama passed Grandpa & Grandma Lockart and then the old home place to Old Loogootee. I know Mama was smiling to see that little country church filled with Morgan’s, Lockarts, Stines and many friends and I know she busted up laughing when Megan said “I farted” and it echoed throughout the church.

It was the hardest day of my life, when Dad passed I had Mom to lean on and this time it was my rock that we were saying see ya later too. Not that I didn’t have any one there, God knows I know everyone is worried about me. If I had a dollar for every time anyone asked how I am doing. I just lost my Mama, how do you think I am doing? Don’t worry about me, my Mama and Pa did a great job with their spoiled rotten little brat. Yeah I am going to have my moments, and if I need anything trust that I will ask. Right now I just want my own time and I want people to quit looking at me like I am going to lose it. I will probably lose it but I will get it all back together, in MY time and in MY way and I will ask for help if I want it. I appreciate the concern, but if you know me you know I want my space and time to deal with losing this very special lady who will live in my heart forever.

Love you and Miss you, Betty Mae!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Betty Mae Lockart Morgan 1930-2007

This morning at 7:07 Mom passed away. She fought long and hard, but was just too weak. She will be missed by her entire Morgan Clan, but she will live forever in our hearts. Thanks for all the support and prayers. I am so glad that I was able to have Mom with me these last few months. Momma I owe everything to you. You and Dad have taught me so much. Your constant smile and laughter will be missed. You will forever be in my heart.
I love you so much Betty Mae.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Prayers and Support for Mom

Betty Mae and Jada Bird
Some of you already know that the battle Mom has been through. The Saturday after Thanksgiving she went into the hospital with a compression fracture in her back. She was in major pain. While in there we found out she has a fractured rib also. She didn't fall or anything. We don't know what exactly happened. Chalk it up to the not so golden, golden years. They were giving her physical therapy and pain management. Then around Wednesday she took a turn for the worse. She was getting weaker and more pain. I thought she was getting pneumonia. They finally gave her enough pain meds to allow her to rest. Thursday she was still weaker and still in alot of pain. Friday I sat with her all morning and watched her blood pressure and O2. They were really low. She seemed to be a little better that afternoon. Friday night when I left she was resting somewhat. When I got there Saturday, she wouldn't open her eyes but she would squeeze my hand. She was laboring so much just to breath. Keith and Diane came in and Diane got her to open her eyes and talk somewhat. The doctor then came in and said it wasn't looking good. We called the rest of the family. Saturday there was a string of Morgan's in and out of that room. Keith and I stayed with her that night then at 4 in the morning they informed us that she had the MRSA virus. They moved her into isolation or Podunk's version of isolation. They started her on an antibiotic regimen and morphine for her pain. It has been a slow process but she has made progress. She is eating better, now just have to get her up and moving again. Once the antibiotics are complete, we will have to move her into a nursing home for rehab, unless she keeps progressing, then I might be able to bring her home. She still has a long way to go. My family and I would like to thank all of you for your prayers and support. Plus Mom thanks you as well. Any time we tell her any one has called, you know Betty Mae she tells them thank you and not to worry. She is one tough lady, has to be, have you seen the clan she has raised and continues to support.
Keep the prayers and well wishes coming.
Thanks from the Morgan Clan.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

:) ***** :)

Happy Turkey Day!

Love ya, Red


Louie, miss you every day, need your crazy ass around to lighten up this screwed up world that I am living in.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

It has been a little bit...

Seems like it has been forever since I have posted anything. Truth is that October and November have been pretty much screwed for many people. October started off with the senseless killing of one of my co-workers. 24 years old and an awesome mother of a one-year-old baby boy, she was taken too soon. Then Austin just lost two of his buddies in car wreck. 15 and 16 years old, taken too soon. My sister-in-law, Renee is still battling cancer. She has been through radiation and chemo many times.

Mom spent the week in the hospital and I almost ended up in jail for hurting an ER doctor. Last Sunday I had to take Mom to the ER, it wasn’t her lungs this time. Pain in her stomach and back. After 4 ½ hours in the ER they said it was a UTI and sent her home with a couple of scripts and since it was 8:00 PM on a Sunday in Podunk IL, you know they sent enough meds to get her through the night until we could visit our lovely Wal-Mart pharmacy. She seemed to rest OK then at 4:30 AM, she was awake with pain so I gave her the pain pill they sent. After a few hours she started dry heaves, wahoo! Seemed to calm down so I headed to work and Mike and Kim would get her to stay while I worked. At 2:30 PM, I receive the call that the ambulance was called to take her to the hospital. She looked so bad when I got there. They ran the same test as the night before and tried telling me the numbers were better. WTF! They were going to release her. I was going to make sure that DR ended up in bed in the ER if he didn’t re-think that decision. And 5 ½ hours later Mom was admitted. She was released on Thursday, but only after they did test after test and still didn’t find anything. Plus they ended up causing more pain in her back, from some of them damn test. She is doing somewhat better, now, just has to take it easy.

Anyone who knows me knows that I really dread this time of year. I love the fall of the year, but Thanksgiving I remember the year Louie died the day before Turkey day. Then Christmas I remember when Betsey died and Christmas Eve day was her funeral and then last year Joe died Christmas day.

Right before all of this chaos started, I had just finished reading Never Die Easy, an autobiography book about Sweetness AKA Walter Payton. What an amazing man! I guess it was all about the timing, because the one thing that has stuck with me since reading that book was the quote that he often used. It was: Tomorrow is Promised to No One. My only comment is that statement is so true.

I ask that if you have taken the time to read this the next time you are talking to the Big Guy, say a prayer for Renee, and the families of the two young boys that were killed and also for the family of the co-worker that was violently murdered, especially her little boy.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Blast from the past....

Was looking at Angie's page and she had pictures of her little ones. I think they look so much like her when she was a little one so I thought I would post some old pictures that Mom had.

Sometimes I wish I could revert back to those times, I always had a blast when Rick and Jeannie and the kids were around. I was probably, no correction I was a pain in the ass rugrat to the adults, but all I remember was being included and having a blast.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Happy 21st Birthday - Austin Zane

Grandpa and his little Buddy

Austin's Cute Grandma and her cutiest grandson.

Zane and Red through all kinds of weather.
I can't believe you are legal now. Always remember to be safe.
My turn to be the DD for a change.
You are the Best!!!!
Happy Birthday, Zane!!!
Love ya, Auntie Red

Friday, October 05, 2007

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I have been staring at the head line and all I see is “Police investigate homicide of a young mother.” It is so senseless and all I keep thinking is her little man is not going to remember her. It is just so unbelievable. I can’t believe I won’t see her at work any more. She was only 26. Her little man just had his first birthday. He was her life. She was a great mother. I don’t see many young mothers like her; she actually lived her life for him. He was the center of her universe. When she talked about him, she lit up like a Christmas tree. Coming from small town Podunk where most kids are more for tax purposes, it was unusual to see someone who really and truly did love their kid like she did. Now because of, pardon my language, a no good motherfucker psycho bastard, this little man will never know the mother that adored and loved him endlessly. I just can’t believe this. This world is so screwed. This was so senseless and I am still trying to grasp it. There is a little man that has lost his loving mother and it is heartbreaking. Please say a prayer for this little man and his family. Casey, rest in peace. You will be missed.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Neck OK, Back Sucks...Mom in hospital

I started bragging too F*#$ing soon. Neck and arm are still great. Back sucks. Been laying on the floor for 2 days. Back weak from favoring left side because of F*#&ing Neck. Someone please shoot me. Add in Mom's in in the hospital with Pneumonia. Thanks to Sherry for taking care of that. Talked to her this morning and she is worried about me. That's Mom! Just can't wait to see what F*#%s up next.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Let’s venture into Red’s World

Hey folks guess who has been pain free…Hi my name is Red and I have been a painaholic, it has been about 2 days since I have been somewhat free of pain…If I had known that a 20 dollar device would relieve my pain I would have got it 2 friggin months ago. Don’t get me wrong one wrong move and the pain is there, but it is not constant anymore…KNOCK ON WOOD…KNOCK ON WOOD…It is either the S&M traction device or someone found the asshole with the voodoo doll. What ever this is the first time that I have felt like Red in a long time. First I want to give a big shout out to Mom for surviving me being a total bitch. Next shout out goes to Loser, thanks for helping with Mom and taking care of my yard, my pool and shutting down the pool. Thanks also to Austin Zane he helped with shutting down the pool. He drew the short straw and had to get in that cold ass water to get the steps out. Who knows what his piercing did in that cold water? Thanks to Sheri for helping with Mom also.

Let’s venture deeper into Red’s World

Any one that knows me knows that I am a TV freak. Yes and that includes reality TV. But want I want to talk about now is one of my new favorite shows. Brothers & Sisters has me hook, line and sinker; so much that yes I have the first season on DVD. I don’t know what it is about that show, yeah I do it is how they all want to beat the shit out of each other then the next minute they are the best of friends. Throw in Sally Field, Calista Flockhart and then my all time favorite Sodapop Curtis, I mean Rob Lowe. Along with the eye candy of Rob, there is Dave Annable, OMG!!! Don’t know what it is but DAMN!! He is the baby of the family, well not really but you have to watch to find out what I am talking about. He is the peacemaker and reformed doper. You know a well-rounded loser, but he is HAWT! I just love the whole show, it is one of those dysfunctional families that work, yeah it is TV but I truly believe that out there somewhere there are families like that. Hey it is Red’s World so I can say whatever I want. Catch Bro’s & Sis’s on Sunday on ABC, or full episodes on the net, or if I like you I may let you borrow my set.

Peace Out.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Medical update...still in pain and still psycho

Went to the specialist on Friday, Dr. Heffner and no his first name is not Hugh. Said no surgery yet. Going to try at home traction device to stretch my neck like a giraffe, plus 3 days a week of physical therapy. Also sending me to have carpal tunnel test on my wrists and I have to sleep with a splint on my left wrist, but other than that I am fine.

I made the mistake of telling the doc that I haven’t had any trouble with my lower back since he had done my surgery in 2000. Guess what the day after I said that, was picking up the laundry basket with my good arm and snap, my back said dip shit you aren’t suppose to stand and pick up things like that. Went and laid on the floor for a few hours. Turned 40 and body is turning to shit. Didn’t throw my back out, muscles just pulled wrong.
Pain was the name of the game on Saturday, if it wasn’t my lower back then it was my neck. I do have to say the neck stretcher is alleviating the neck pain, so we are moving in the right direction. I have 6 weeks of physical therapy and neck stretching so hopefully this will keep me from having to have my neck cut on. Keep your fingers crossed and to the person who has the damn voodoo doll of me, give me a break for the rest of the year. Pretty Please with sugar on top.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Quick Story of Bird

Jada Bird is Candice’s cousin and Candice is Kim’s best friend. They are all my neighbors. (Jada is my only normal neighbor! HA HA) They live in the house that I grew up in with Mom and Dad. Jada’s parents were 14 when she was born and thank God she ended up with Candice. Jada has cerebral palsy. She has had a rough road. There has been a few times when she has had seizures and stopped breathing, but thanks to the Big Guy and some close friends Jada pulled through. Kim and Candice have been through so much because of Jada’s family. They see dollar signs when they look at Jada, but again thanks to Kim and Candice they have fought and now are legal guardians of Jada and any money is to go to Jada. They have worked with therapist left and right to get Jada where she is today. She is a miracle blessing from God. When you look at the tractor video all of that is because of Kim, Candice and the Big Guy upstairs. That is the story of Jada in a nutshell. Bottom line she is my best little buddy, with the brightest smile and eyes to make all my pain go away and make me forget about all the bullshit that is circling around me. Thank God for kids!!!!!

Jada Bird's Tractor Video

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Teresa = Super Blogger ... Red = Slacker

So I am not totally considered a slacker, figured I should put something out here since it has been a few days since my last post, and plus we have Teresa, Super Blogger out there out doing us all.

Trust me if I started ranting (AKA Bitching) I would go on forever, because there are many things on my list that I would love to go off on, but due to the pain in my neck it keeps me from doing anything that takes time. Plus once I get going I get stressed and all tensed up and that just adds to the pain. One more day then I see the doc and hopefully he will get me lined out. Waiting a month and a half to see this doctor hasn’t been fun that is for sure. But the one thing that has helped me forget about all the bull and pain going on in my life is my best little buddy Jada Bird. I don’t care how much pain or BS I have to deal with all it takes is her bright smile and those beautiful eyes and all is good in Red’s world.

This little girl has been through so much and she is just four. She is a blessing from the Big Guy upstairs. She amazes me everyday. She is such a smart kid. Kim and Candice have done wonders with her. No limitations, yeah there are but they work around them. Talk about putting a smile on my face was when I looked out my window to see Kim and Bird coming over and there is Bird driving her Little John Deere Tractor. Cerebral palsy is not going to stop this little girl.

Tune in later for video of Bird driving her tractor same bat time and same bat channel.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

JaDa BiRd is 4 today!!!!! Yeah!!!!

You have come a long way baby.
Thanks to Candice and Kim.
And the sky is the limit!
Love ya,
Your Friend
Red Rover

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Four years and still seems like yesterday

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Happy 40th Birthday, Kim (AKA: Loser)

Wish I could take you golfing like we normally do on your birthday, but the herniated disc in my neck says otherwise. Hope you have a great day today and tomorrow when you are golfing.

Love ya, Red

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!

Cool Slideshows!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Congratulations Candice Marie!

Hey Momma To Be,

I am so happy for you. It is about time you have a baby of your own to raise. God knows you have raised your sister and brothers kids. And lets not forget about Jada Bird. You and Loser have done wonders with her and no one else can take that credit.

I do want you to do one thing, stop worrying about what anybody else says or believes. Those people that make their judging comments need to shut up and worry about what they are going to say to the Big Guy when they are standing before him. Why do you let the little people with little minds like that hurt you? Remember my saying of "Let the shit roll right off your back!" The only people you have to worry about pleasing is you and Jada, and I know Jada loves you because she told me once when we were conversing about life our hood.

Keep your head up, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are a great Mom to Jada and are a great aunt and you will be a great Mom to Lil' Scrappy when he/she gets here.

And remember that it takes 42 muscles to frown and be upset, but only 4 to extend the middle finger and tell the Assholes to F*#* Off.

Love ya Scrappy Doo!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy Birthday, Bronson!!!!!

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Happy Birthday
Head Nod!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Missing in just missing in pain

Yeah I have been MIA for a while and why do you ask or maybe you don’t give a rat’s ass. The reason is PAIN. Right now I would like to rip off my left arm and I have been that way for about 3 or 4 weeks now. At least I know what is causing it NOW. I have 2 herniated discs in my neck. I thought it was carpal tunnel or a problem with a rotator cup. I have no pain in my neck so WTF. I don’t have a clue what I did. I get to go see a neurosurgeon, the same one that did my back surgery in 2000. All I hope is that I don’t have to have surgery on my neck. But if that is what it takes to remove the pain from my arm then put me under the knife. Well that is about all, because my arm is hurting like hell, and I hear a pill calling my name.

By the way…my sister-in-law, Renee, has been diagnosed with cancer, so please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

One Special Lady

Aunt Edna is one special lady. She is my Dad's sister and has always been a very important part of our family. Keith, Diane, Mom and I had the pleasure of spending a Saturday with her and Bob and Lynetta. Needless to say we all had a great time. Aunt Edna is 89 years old and her memory is still sharp as a tack. I love being around her and listening to stories. This time she showed a quilt that my Great Grandma, Anna Fox Woodburn, had made way back in the late 1800's or early 1900's. She gave me a handkerchief that my Great Grandma had sewn the lace edging on. All I can say is they don't make stuff like that anymore. Nowadays things are good if they last a year, let alone a couple hundred years. That is what I call quality.

I am so glad I got to spend the day with such a special lady. She is one heck of a lady and brings back so many great memories of her, Uncle Melvin and Dad and Mom. I think alot about Dad when I am around her.

Thanks Aunt Edna, Bob and Lynetta for a great day. Some more pics follow.

Pics from a great Satuday with a great lady

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Friday, July 06, 2007

Bullet Casing not lost to terrorist

The terrorist didn't cause me to loose my casing from Dad's funeral. I found it in the clean clothes. Pretty wierd, went in to go to bed a couple of days ago and it was dark, couldn't see a thing grabbed the clean clothes to put them on the floor and there it was. Dad's way of saying I am here with you. Trust me that had been a sucky day and I needed that.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

MIA no MIV…Missing in Vegas

Yeah just got back from a few days in Vegas. No I didn’t my money too much to lose it gambling. First mental note from the more trips to Vegas in June. is so f’ing hot out there at this time. Lasted three holes on the golf course and then thought I was going to pass out. Had me down for a good day and a half and no it wasn’t the alcohol.

Although alcohol did have a big consequence on this trip, but that story will have to be told by someone other than me. (What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas especially when you don't remember!) Second mental note from the is not just for breakfast any more. Bottom line is that it is not for Red any more. didn’t make me lose my clothes...but I think I may have damaged or lost something that meant the world to me for the past few years. I guess only time will tell.

Goal of the trip was to spend time with Tina, Breanna, Mercedes and Bronson. Never enough time no matter what. Not enough hours in the day. We did get a fun night of bowling in. T’s nieces and their boy friends are a blast. Ed Carman you have a great family and I am so fortunate to know them.

The other comment I want to make is about how terrorist can f’up this po dunk country red neck. Ever since Dad died I have carried around one of the bullet casings from his military salute, well since the bombings in London, security was tight in Vegas and I think they removed it from my checked luggage. I have went through both bags and I can’t find it…I don’t think I left it there because I have my pocket knife that I carry in the same pocket as the casing. It is OK though cause I still have his wedding ring on my hand so I have him with me no matter what.

Then also I get home and Mom has been sick, but hooray for Ivan, Charlie & Mary and Kim, Candice and Jada Bird for taking care of Mom while I was gone. She was in good hands.

Next to the final cap on this trip is once every one leaves and it is just Mom and me...BAM...I have a sewer problem to take care of. Nothing like being up 4:30 AM to catch a flight home and then spend time dealing with SHIT! Snaked my lines and couldn’t find anything. Had to wait for the city to fix it the next day.

And the final straw to my lovely vacation ending is my pool was supposed to be fixed Monday and here it is Tuesday and they still haven’t contacted me after all my messages that I have left. I bet I get some free chemicals out of this. So much for floating in the pool for the Fourth. Looks like I will have to turn to another liquid instead of water...just no more TEQUILA!!!!

OH WELL!!! Tomorrow is another day. Lets see what this second half of 2007 brings.

T, Breanna, Mercedes & Bronson

Mercedes - Bronson
T - Breanna

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T's Sister Tammy's Family

Tammy, Ed, Eddie & Tyson
Amanda & Tyson, Courtney, Brian
Brian, John & Courtney, Amanda & Dale

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Fun at the Bowling Alley

Amanda, Courtney, Dale
Red, T & Bronson, Red, John, & T
Amanda & Courtney, Courtney, Mercedes, & Bronson, T & Mercedes

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

For those of you lucky enough...hope you hugged your Dad today...

This is one of three very hard days for me. I lost my Dad back in 2003. If your Dad is still around I hope you took the time to hug him and tell him how much you love him and appreciate him. many images come to mind
whenever I speak your name;
It seems without you in my life
things have never been the same.
What happened to those lazy days
when I was just a child;
When my life was consumed in you
in your love, and in your smile.
What happened to all those times
when I always looked to you;
No matter what happened in my life
you could make my gray skies blue.
Dad, some days I hear your voice
and turn to see your face;
Yet in my seems
the sound has been erased.
Dad, who will I turn to for answers
when life does not make sense;
Who will be there to hold me close
when the pieces just don't fit.
Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time
and once more hear your voice;
I'd tell you that out of all the dads
you would still be my choice.
Please always know I love you
and no one can take your place;
Years may come and go
but your memory will never be erased.
Today, Jesus, as You are listening
in your home above;
Would you go and find my Dad
and give him all my love.

Happy Fathers Day, Dad
I love you and miss you
forever and for always!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Randolph County Relay for Life 2007

Every time I attend one of these, I remember Dad walking the survivor lap back in 2002. He may have been the last one to cross the line, but he did it and I was so proud of him. Fast forward to 2007 and what is running through my mind is how over the past 5 year my luminaries have changed from In Honor to In Memory. Cancer sucks. If you have never attended a relay, I would say take time out and go, it is an amazing event and such a good cause. The sight of all those lighted bags around the track is a great way to honor those who have battled and continue to battle this dreadful disease. Between me, Mom, Jerry & Sharon, Kim, Candice and Jada, we had one corner of the track lit up with the luminaries that we had bought to honor our loved ones. Below is some of the pics.

Actually we had two corners are luminaries started on this corner and were mixed all the way around to the other corner.

View from the other side of the track.

These are a couple of Mom's and my bags that I grabbed before I left.
In Memory of
Charles H. Morgan, Marie C. Lockart, Lenna S. Morgan, Logan Lockart Jr., Bob Stine, Jeannie Jackson, Rick Jackson, Betty Lockart, Glenn Brookshire, Denzil Morgan, Chuck Crowder, Larry Crowder, Larry Williams, Larry Scott, Carl Glasco, Smiley Wise, Thelma Williams, Milton Sinnard, Sherman Scott, Jim Smith, Shelby Scott

In Honor of
Charles W. Morgan, Edna Branham, James A. Morgan, Alroy Long, Erline Cane, Bea Lachler

Thursday, June 07, 2007

W T F !

Oh hell yes it is time for another stop and surf somewhere else if you don’t want to listen. My question to anyone and everyone is why do people let dick heads and bitches hurt them time and time again and they forgive and act like everything is OK and start again like nothing ever happened. Give me a break. After a certain point I would think people would be smart enough to love them selves and tell the dick heads and bitches...CYA...I am through. What does it take to finally open ones eyes? Let me say this past weekend was big reality check. I will start by saying a Friend of mine had her ass kicked by her so called best friend who I will refer to as Cujo from here on out. And yes my Friend did not throw one punch back and why because that was her best friend. WTF! Yes, I understand that I would never hit my Best Friend either, but my Best Friend wouldn’t act like Cujo either at least I hope she wouldn’t and if it would happen I’d say GAME ON! Because in the first place if Cujo is hitting you she isn’t your friend let alone best friend. And second if my Best Friend is hitting me then something else has taken over her body and I would fight like hell to protect myself. GAME ON! My Friend I will support no matter what, but Cujo can bite me. (Maybe I shouldn’t have used that comment but that was nicer than what I really wanted to say) I no longer want to waste any of my time around her. In time my Friend will forgive Cujo and be happy again…until the next time that always happens. WHY? WHY? WHY?

Next weekend whammy...which I just found out today...but have had that funny feeling all weekend like something was up in Vegas. And yes it involves my Best Friend...No she didn’t lay a hand on me. But her low life ex headed out to Vegas. No warning...just SURPRISE...Well if he wants to go out there be a MAN...get your own place, get a things right. Not quit your job, go to Vegas and mooch off your ex. Him and Cujo belong in the same cage. They both have hurt the people they are supposed to care about time and time and time again. When is enough, enough? What I love is the year’s comments like she’s been my best friend for 15 years or I was married to him for 21 years. WTF? Well in one night she beat the shit out of you and he screwed around on you and hit you, but it’s their lives and so be it. I will always be there for my Best Friend and my Friend, Cujo and the ex I will have nothing to do with. Can’t stand them and don’t want to be around either one of them. I have no room in my life for people like that, plus they are not related so I don’t have to have them anywhere near me.

My choice because it is my life, plus with my temper it is better not to be around them because my mouth will surely not know when to shut up. I would like to say so how do you feel now that you beat up your best friend or you must really love your wife and kids to have screwed someone else and also what a big man you are to have hit your wife in front of your kids. Oh hell ya, I could go on and on, I could bring up a beer bottle, jumping a ditch landing in a field, biting, being lazy, running to Momma, stealing money and my all time favorite that the ex and Cujo have mastered...LYING. I have a whole arsenal of information but out of respect for my Best Friend and Friend, I say nothing when I see the dick head and bitch in the same vicinity of my Best Friend and Friend. That is why I love this blogger...Let's me Vent because there is not enough Miller Lite to get me through this SHIT!!!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Happy 16th Birthday Emma Lie....Love ya!

create your own slideshow

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Morgan Reunion 2007

If I remember I started this reunion back in 2000, because as I put it on the first invitation it seemed to take an act of God to get the Morgan clan together. This day has always been all about Dad and Mom. As our family goes we are lucky to say that Charles Herbert and Betty Mae are our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Dad is truly missed each and every day, but especially on this day. I know when he was alive you could see the joy in his eyes and still to this day you see the joy in Mom’s eyes as they watch their kids, grand kids and great grand kids roaming around the pavilion. Roaming is a nice way to put it, but anyone who knows the Morgan’s knows that it is more like running a muck reeking havoc on some poor victims.

Our Motto is: We put the FUN in dysFUNctional!

That says it all…enjoy the pics from Reunion 2007!!!

Jada Bird says CHEESE!
Bobbie and Mom just CHILLIN!
Future All Stars
Max, AJ, Shayne, & Anthony
Austin and Emily

Check out my Myspace page in a few days for the reunion video......

Golf Day after the reunion

Check out the teams for golf...

Who knows who won...

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All I remember is CC and Kenny yelling at me when I hit a ball in the water...

They yelled: You going swimming Red?

Yeah, they are true Morgans that can come up with the smart ass comments at the right time.

Reunion 2007 Pictures

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Jim & Shannon, Paul & Hillary, and Kevin & Caryn...We Missed you!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

In Loving Memory of Rick Jackson

Every time I think of Rick, his humor is what comes to mind. I can remember him and Dad firing jokes left and right. There was always laughter which is what this world needs. These are some pics that Mom had.
Anyone want to put a caption to this one...
Rick Jackson 12/11/46-05/18/07
When you speak of him speak not with tears
for thoughts of him should not be sad.
Let memories of the times you shared give you comfort
for his life was rich because of you.
And though for now you had to part,
though to part he did not choose;
he'll be with you along life's path,
Forever In Your Heart.

Dixie, Ricky, Keri and Angie you are in my thoughts and prayers.

What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
Loyal Friends are few and far between!