OK it is a break from some birthdays and time for Red to bitch again. Hard to believe isn’t it…WARNING: These are Red’s opinions and if you don’t agree, she doesn’t give a fuck.
Conscience, does any one have one any more?
You look up the definition in a dictionary and you see that it is the MORAL or ETHICAL aspect to one’s conduct together with the urge to prefer RIGHT over wrong.
Moral, ethical and Right over wrong…seems pretty straightforward to me. I see so many that I wonder how they sleep at night. They can’t have a conscience because what they are doing is far from moral, ethical and so far from right. Which asshole should I start with?
Let me start with the mother of four, who doesn’t want her kids. Only wants them when they seem to put money in her hands. Let me make this long story short, because I could go on an on with this subject. Mother has four awesome kids; only she doesn’t know that because she is in the “It’s all about me” mode. In order to help this selfish ass, two kind hearts agree to help these kids by taking them in and giving them a home. Part of the agreement was that these two hearts would receive help from the selfish ass and also the grandma. So when do you say when? Did the help come? Were promises broken? How long do you let people fuck you before you say enough is enough? How long do you enable assholes to do what they please and ignore their responsibilities? The two hearts did all they could with what they have. The time has come for the asshole to grow up and take on her responsibilities. She should realize what great kids she has and move out of her selfish mode and into the Mother mode. It is not about her, it should be all about her kids. As usual kids suffer because of their parents actions, or in this case lack of actions.
Now on to another dickhead in the “It’s all about me” mode. This one had every chance in the world over the past years to enjoy his kids, but he choose to be a basement dweller. He had many wake up calls, but choose to continue on his own downward spiral out of control path. Again when do you say when? He lost his family and has no one to blame but himself. He knew they were moving, did he attempt to spend time with his kids before they left? How many days did he spend with them that last week? Wait I think I should have said how many minutes. Yes, that means he didn’t spend that much time with them. Now that the kids are happy and adapting to their new normal, dickhead says he wants his kids. Should have woke up sooner. Should appreciate what you have when you have it, not when you lose it. When you lose it over you own selfishness, then you have no one to blame but yourself.
What is moral about having someone else raise your kids? What is ethical about you getting monetary support for your kids, when someone else is raising them? It is not right to put yourself over your kids, that is WRONG. When you have kids, your life should not be about you any more it should be about your kids! What is moral or ethical or right about saying you can’t give $ to your kid, but you can go to the bar? Biggest No-No of all, don’t wait until you lose something to appreciate it or want it back. Wake up when people try to help you, and above all don’t fuck people that are trying to help you, but why should you because you have fucked your kids over and are able to sleep at night. For the sake of the kids, I hope the asshole and dickhead find their conscience before it’s too late, if it isn’t already too late!
12 years ago
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