Friday, March 09, 2007

Highs and Lows

So far March has defiantly had its highs and lows. One of the biggest highs has been the spring weather, finally. When I am able to put on the headphones and venture outside and walk while listening to music. 2 things I love…music and outdoors. Plus it really helps me to calm down; needless to say the first outing I had some nice blisters on my feet. I was really stressed and my feet were pounding the pavement, probably when my fist should have been pounding in someone’s face. Another high is seeing Jada Bird venturing back to school. No she is not a pre-school drop out. She is another one of my stress relievers. Just seeing her beautiful smiling face and then getting a hug…WOW. I love that little girl. She’s has been so sick since December, now she is suppose to have surgery in April to remove her tonsils and etc. Hopefully that will help her from not getting so sick.

Now lets see some of the lows…Mom went in the hospital on the 2nd. I think by the way it sounds she was close to having pneumonia. She is still in the hospital but they have her in a rehab wing. No not for drugs or alcohol, although she does take some good drugs. They are working with her on exertion and breathing without pushing the limit where she is too out of breath to do anything. She has a new doctor finally and so far so good. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Also Judy had her knee surgery, which is good, but now she is in the hospital having trouble with fluid around lungs and heart. They haven’t been able to figure out where the fluid is coming from. Still running test after test, hopefully they will get her all lined out soon. Another low was I had my first official Miss My Best Friend Breakdown. I have had many minor ones ever since she told me she was heading to Vegas. It was caused by having too many people ask about her and I was alone. Any other time I have went out drinking, I have been with Loser or met someone else at the bar. This time had a terrible day at work and with other issues so headed to Time Out. I was OK at the bar, talking to everyone, because some of the one’s asking about T are ones that genuinely liked her. When I got home…BAM…hit me like a ton of bricks. Grabbed my journal and talked (wrote) it out in there.

Soapbox time again…stop reading here if you don’t want to hear the rantings of psycho red head. Still don’t understand how certain people can sleep at night when they are pretty much fucking other people, especially when those people are suppose to be your friends. My parents taught me that you always treat people with kindness and respect. Yeah there are times when people might not deserve it, but those people you stay away from. But when it is your friends who are the ones disrespecting you, what do you do? I can say for myself that I have one true loyal best friend, one best childhood friend and one best friend that I may not communicate with often, but when I need her she is there. Yeah these are the names tattooed on my leg. Yeah I have argued with each one of them, but because we respect each other’s opinion. We agree to disagree. When I see how one friend bends over backwards to help a “so-called friend”, and has done this for many years, and still this “so-called friend” screws the other friend. I guess in this generation where everyone is so “ME” oriented, why should I be surprised. I know that eventually the “so-called friend” will get her payback, but you know my impatient ass wants to see it happen and I want it to happen now.

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What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
Loyal Friends are few and far between!