Sunday, April 20, 2008

Video Blog

I bought myself a new video camera, called the Ultra Flip. It is a little bigger than my cell phone so I can take it with me everywhere. It holds up to 60 minutes of video. I think it is cool as hell. Hooks right into my computer, easy as pie to get the videos on my computer. Below are some of my first tests with it. Good thing I have two beautiful little girls otherwise you would have to look at my ugly ass. Who knows maybe I will start taping myself and have a video blog...that could be really scary.

Shout out to Teresa and Angie, thanks for the words of support, love you guys!!!!!!

Warning on the videos below...maybe some cussing in the background, you know how the Morgan's are. :)

Enjoy my beautiful neighbors...Jada and Samantha (AKA. Bird and Turtle)

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What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
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