If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them. Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say. We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.
I can’t believe that you are one already that year went by quick. You came into this world and it was perfect timing for me. I had just lost my Mom a few months earlier and you were a God send. Thanks to your Mom, I had the privilege of seeing you every day if I wanted and that is what I wanted. That was what I needed; I needed to see the circle of life right before my eyes. One Morgan leaves and another one enters. Yeah, like it or not you are a Morgan. The only thing is that I wish you would have gotten to know Betty Mae, but I do believe that she is with you and Bird always. We even have some stories that leads me to believe that you do know Mom. You and your family have been my saving grace. When I needed a pick me up I headed to the neighbors and you welcomed me right into your world.
Those first months it was like you only liked your Mom and me, for whatever reason I still don't know. I like to think it was because I had Betty Mae on my side helping me. Normally I am scared of babies, but for some reason you trusted me and we bonded. So when you felt like driving TT nuts she would call me over and then you would quite down and fall asleep in my arms. Which was good on two counts we drove TT nuts and it was absolutely priceless watching a sweet angel like you fall asleep.
I have so many precious memories of this past year. Here are a couple that I tend to cherish and hold on too. When I need a pick me up this is what I think of...First and foremost is listening to Sugarland and seeing you right at the stereo dancing and turning it up. Or even better listening to Sugarland and holding you swaying back and forth and you singing in my ear right before you fall asleep. And to add to this memory are those times while we are swaying to the music and I am patting your back and you start patting my shoulder too. All of your many faces, your smiles and laughs. You just being goofy. Then the one that made my heart smile for a very long time, was when I was leaving after a lovely night with you girls, I had made my round giving you and Bird kisses and when I got to the door I turned around to say bye and you waved to me and gave me that beautiful smile. Tugged at my heart strings big time.
So my Turtle is going to be one and I see nothing but so many more precious and fun memories. Yeah we are going to drive your Mom crazy cause like I said you are a Morgan in every sense of the word. Yeah you can be your Mom's little princess, but your going to be our little rough neck too. And we are going to have so much fun. One thing that you can always count on is that I will be there for you no matter what.
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