Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year, but it is going to be TOUGH!

2007 will forever be the year I lost my Mom, just as 2003 is when I lost my Dad. Who knows what the heck will happen in 2008? I am not looking forward to it, the first year without my both of my parents. If ever I needed anything they were the ones that I could ALWAYS count on. I find myself sitting here reminiscing about anything and everything that brings them to mind. Yeah, I was Daddy’s little girl but Mom and I were inseparable. Dad worked a lot on second shift, so when I got home from school, it was just Mom and me.

All three of us did so many things together, from camping at Washington County to our trips to Taylorville and also to West Virginia and Ohio. On the camping trips Dad and I kicked ass at fishing, we slayed the channel cat, but turtles ended up with them and all we had was a stringer of fish heads. Mom was the greatest Mom and the proof is that she put up with all my friends coming over to the house to study or just hang out. All of them told me repeatedly how cool they thought my Mom was. She treated them all like one of the family. When finals came around she knew that 5 – 10 there we all would be at the house cramming. Then there were the times when she would walk up to all the basketball games with me. Everyone knew Mama. She sat there with us loud mouth kids and cheered on the boys. Then we would walk home, with an occasional stop at Waldrup’s to warm up.

Both Mom and Dad supported me so much in high school and college. I was glad that I was able to come home on weekends to see Mom and Dad while in college. It was around that time that Zane was born and it was cool to see how much Dad and Mom enjoyed him. Not that they didn’t enjoy the other grandkids, but he was the first baby in a long time. Zane was Dad and Mom’s little man as well and my little buddy. Dad and Mom and Mom and I made many trips to get Zane and the weekends were so awesome for all of us. I have many videos of those times and they are priceless.

I have always said that I could never repay Dad and Mom for what they have gave me and taught me along this highway of life. As I sit here in this house, I remember all the blood and sweat Dad and Mom put into getting this house for me and also getting it ready for me to move in. A complete overhaul, from stripping the trim, repainting everything and the basement nightmare, they were there every step of the way. Then when minor problems would arise they would help. The only time Dad refused, Mom picked up the slack and that was when I had a snake in the house and I knew better than to call Dad. Mom came over with a coffee can and got the snake out.

I knew Mom was a very strong woman, but seeing her take care of Dad when he was stricken with cancer, WOW she was such an awesome wife. She did so much for Dad and she was having issues with her breathing and also shaking, but she hammered through all of it, because she said she was his wife and that was what she was suppose to do.

I am so happy that Mom came to live with me on Mother’s Day weekend, although it is really tough now. I got use to hearing her O2 machine. I keep thinking she is up there in her recliner watching GSN. We had our ups and downs, and I regret the downs, big time. Our last trip to Vandalia was so great. We went to Wal-Mart and got flowers to take out to Dad and Louie’s grave. Then we went and ate at Burger King and then went out to Loogootee and Griffith cemeteries. Capped off the day at Sweetbriar. We stayed a few hours at Sweetbriar, Mom was so happy talking to Peggy, Michelle and the rest of the ladies. There was much laughter that day. We had such a great time. We topped off the trip by going through the drive thru at DQ in Nashville. That would be one Pineapple shake for one Great Lady!

This New Year is going to be really tough on me, but thanks the two great people, I will eventually be OK. I just have to find my new normal again. Dad and Mom thank you for all of your help over the years, thanks for being such great teachers but most of all thanks for all of the fun and great times. Love ya, your spoiled rotten little brat.


Anonymous said...

It is going to be tough, but one day all these memories will stop bringing tears to your eyes, and will created smiles and laughter beyond belief.

I cannot begin to describe the comfort I took with your family when we were kids. I cannot count the many outburst of laughter from your dad picking on all of us and razzing us the way he did.

I cannot tell you how loved your mother made me feel when my own mother came up short.

You were raised by two of the most outstanding people I have ever known and we both know there is so much of them in YOU. They will never be far from you girl, because they are always in your heart and show in everything you do.

We are all richer people for having known them. Thank you for sharing them with me my friend.

Dixie said...

2008 will most certainly be difficult at times for those of us who have lost such precious people in our lives. Isn't it wonderful that we have so many happy memories to hold in our hearts.

Here I am wishing you a Great 2008 on your quest to again find your normal. I totally understand.

What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
Loyal Friends are few and far between!