Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So many questions?

Why is it sometimes that the children are smarter than their parents? I have seen this first hand and I am amazed how kids surpass their parents in common sense. So are we really smarter than 5th graders?

Why is it that some parents love their kids with all they have and others see them as deductions and dollar signs? Seen this so many times here in small town Podunk. I hate this because I know couples that would love to have a baby and they can’t, but yet you have idiots procreating and ignoring and mistreating the blessings they received from God.

When do people really grow up? I have been out of high school for 23 years and I am still amazed that people still do the he said she said or better yet if they can do that then I can do this, which come to think of it that is more like grade school shit.

Why do people who supposedly care about someone constantly use him or her? This one kills me. It is OK for them to treat me like shit cause he or she loves me or do they? If they love or care about you would they really use you? Yeah this happens all the time to all of us, and it is usually our family and friends that are the users.

Why do they keep allowing themselves to be used? Main reason is because the users are family or friends, but does that make it OK? Hell No!

When do you speak up and say enough is enough? What is the straw that breaks the camels back? With everyone it is different. Some people never find that piece of straw. Some people find it for a while and then low and behold eventually they are right back in the same situation that they were in.

Isn’t it amazing how a couple of events can bring up such questions? Would love to actually tell the events, but that is saved for my journal, which should make for some good reading when I am gone. I guess the bottom line is that it truly does take all kinds to make this world go around and the fun thing is trying to get along with all of these kinds without losing your mind. Any one got a straight jacket and a bottle of wine?

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Sometimes I think the person being shit on has a problem. Low self esteem or something that causes them to NOT say something for fear of losing the (shitty) relationship with the user and usually the user doesn't have a effing clue that their behaviour is wrong. They think what they are doing is OK???? AND my last and final comment...PEOPLE SHOULD BE TESTED BEFORE HAVING KIDS!

What it what it will be!!!!!

What it what it will be!!!!!
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